Yesterday we met Sunny, a young Shepard mix who had a painful start to life. Picked up as a stray, covered in chemical burns, and not claimed meant that she had one fate… she was scheduled to be euthanized today. HPA! had to act quickly to rescue her and now that she’s safe with us […]
Author Archive | Siena Schickel

Help kittens see a brighter future
Eight very sick kittens were found ABANDONED at an apartment complex, and they need your help. Today, two litters of tiny, sick kittens were found without their mothers, abandoned at an apartment complex. There are eight kittens total, some of them weighing less than a pound, and all of them squinting through layers of dried […]

Dumped puppies need you NOW!
Today a litter of nine puppies were dumped in a ditch in Houston, on the coldest week of the year. These puppies are so young they’ve only recently opened their eyes for the first time, and it breaks our hearts to think of what their very first look of the world was. There were no […]
Pasadena Animal Shelter Relief
If you’ve ever been through a Houston storm, you already know what it’s like. The walls shake and the windows rattle. On January 24th, Pasadena Animal Shelter experienced every Houstonian’s worst fear. Kennel techs working with the dogs that day looked up to see the roof over their heads peel away, letting strong winds and […]
HPA!’s 2022 Highlights
We have had a lot to celebrate this year! Thank you for making it possible to save the lives of at-risk companion cats and dogs and find them loving homes. You’ve been there for the animals through thick and thin, and we wanted to highlight some of the amazing things this community has accomplished in […]

On the twelfth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Annual support, especially if it can be monthly!
Today is the final day of the 12 Days of Giving, Day 12! For the last 11 days, we’ve been sharing some of the most important things it takes for HPA! to save thousands of lives each and every year. It truly takes a village to have the largest impact possible and it’s thanks to people like […]

On the eleventh day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Essential supplies for our facility!
Today is Day 11 of the 12 Days of Giving! While most of our animals are always in foster, a huge part of HPA! is our facility. From housing animals while they’re in transition to foster or in emergency situations, to providing space for our incredibly hardworking staff and volunteers to keep realizing our mission to […]

On the tenth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Ten fosters caring for a pet’s whole journey!
Today is Day 10 of the 12 Days of Giving, sponsored by Niagara Water! One of the most important roles a person can have in our animals’ lives is being their foster parent. Our fosters take care of our cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies throughout their entire journey, sometimes literally since they are born! While HPA! […]

On the ninth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Supplies we need for nine full surgeries!
Today is Day 9 of the 12 Days of Giving! We’ve talked about our amazing clinic team and all that they do to care for our animals on a daily basis. Today, we’re highlighting the immense effort it takes for them to perform a critical part of each animal’s journey: the surgeries! Not only does our […]

On the eighth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Eight kitties in one of our catteries!
Today is Day 8 of the 12 Days of Giving! Similarly to Day 7 with the adorable puppies, today centers around our kitties, but this time, specifically in our catteries! We have cats and kittens in partner pet stores all over Houston, and they need your help just as much as the other animals in our programs! […]

On the seventh day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Seven puppy intakes new to treat!
Today is Day 7 of the 12 Days of Giving! Everybody loves puppies; they are always breaking over the top of the cuteness scale! What most people don’t know, is what exactly it takes to intake a large litter of puppies all at once. Every animal that comes into our care gets everything they need: food, […]

On the sixth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Six volunteers for an essential team!
Today is Day 6 of the 12 Days of Giving! One of the most vital parts of HPA! is our unbelievable team of dedicated volunteers. They help out in every capacity there is: dog and cat care, the medical clinic, transport, special events, unique projects; they do it all! NOTHING would be possible without them! It’s […]

On the fifth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Five ringworm pets!
Today for the 12 Days of Giving, Day 5 sponsored by Ollie, we’re covering the logistics of ringworm! Ringworm is an incredibly common fungal infection that many animals face, and while it is easy to treat, recovery can take a long time and can be expensive, especially when an entire litter of kitties or puppies get […]

On the fourth day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Great kennel techs to take care of cute puppies!
Today is Day 4 of the 12 Days of Giving! Our amazing kennel techs are responsible for the care and wellbeing of our pups at our facility. They take care of each pup’s individual needs from diet, to helping with training, to play time, and make sure they’re getting the all encompassing care that each dog deserves! […]

On the third day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… A caring vet tech, but times that by 3!
Today is Day 3 of the 12 Days of Giving! Did you know that not only does our amazing clinic staff take care of the thousands of cats, dogs, kitties, and puppies in our program each year, but they also see plenty of personal pets in our wellness clinic too! Our small staff works tirelessly to […]

On the second day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… Essential care for 2 kitties!
It’s time for the 12 Days of Giving Day 2, sponsored by Meadowlake Pet Resort! We have hundreds of cats in our program at any given time and they rely on the generosity of people like YOU to help give them the things they need and use every single day! From kitties in foster, to the ones in […]

On the first day of Giving, my good friend gave to me… A home with a loving family!
Today is Day 1 of the 12 Days of Giving! For the next 12 days we will be sharing what it takes every single day to save lives. Day after day we have cats, dogs, kitties, and puppies in our care that depend on the generosity of people like you for their food, shelter, and most importantly, […]
Your gift is MATCHED 100% for #GivingTuesday!
Help us turn a $75,000 goal into $150,000 in lifesaving funds! What could be better than saving the life of a homeless and vulnerable dog, cat, puppy, or kitten? Saving the lives of two dogs, cats, puppies, or kittens, of course. Thanks to a generous donor, your impact will be DOUBLED! YOU can be the lifesaver who rescues […]

Twenty-one cats saved from hoarding and need your help!
We saved TWENTY-ONE cats from a hoarding situation, and we need volunteers, fosters, supplies, and donations to help care for them NOW! A house in Sugar Land was found to have over 150 cats. Their conditions were completely unsafe, and Sugar Land Animal Services jumped in to get all of the cats to safety as […]

Beyonce’s heartworms are making it hard for her to breathe – can you help?
At first glance, Beyonce looks like a perfectly healthy Great Dane. Her heart and lungs, however, tell a completely different story. Without treatment, Beyonce would not have survived for much longer. Heartworms have been making each breath difficult for her, and her heart can’t take strenuous activity. Each dog that comes into our care receives a heartworm […]

Mom, dad, and 7 puppies DUMPED AT OUR DOORSTEP
A mom, dad, and their puppies were found dumped in our parking lot on the hot pavement – right between a busy road and train tracks. One puppy had even collapsed due to heat exhaustion. Our staff rushed out to save mama and six of her puppies before they got to the road and immediately brought […]

Bellatrix – SEVERE eye trauma, emergency treatment needed!
BELLATRIX NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW!! We know it’s tough to look at. We know it’s even worse to think about – how could a beautiful kitten like Bellatrix end up like this? But this is the reality that too many animals face here in Houston. Let’s get this precious kitten back to being healthy and […]

Two emergency surgeries in two days?! HELP!
We can’t believe it, but we have yet another animal in need of emergency care! Our $2,000 vet bill just turned into $4,000. ? After evaluating Knish, it was clear she needed emergency surgery on one of her rear legs that became completely dislocated and broken from her hip and cannot go back in. We […]

Stellaluna – Leg Amputation
Leg amputations for cats cost around $2,000. We want more than anything to see this kitten go to a good home, happy and healthy, and we need YOUR help to get her there. Will you help Stellaluna heal?

Not one, but THREE cats with tail trauma
We rescued three cats recently who all had the same mysterious problem… each of them had trauma to their tail. Pearl Moon, Harvest Moon, and Twilight Moon were clearly in a lot of pain, and yet they were still incredibly friendly towards the HPA! staff, cuddling and purring whenever they were picked up. We had […]

We need help to heal Spammy’s ears and Stinkerbelle’s eyes!
We recently rescued not one, but TWO spaniels. These pups are both sweet, calm, and would make the perfect pets – but first, they need your help. Spammy, the first spaniel we rescued, has hematomas in both of his ears so large, they require surgery to remove them. These hematomas are serious bruises that cause […]